20 Best Email Marketing Software For Small Business in 2022

Best Email Marketing Software for Small Business

Email Marketing Software Small Business

Which digital channel would you choose to generate leads if you had to choose only one? Given that more than half of the world's population has access to the internet, and that the majority of these people use it for browsing, social networking, and email, relying on only one online marketing platform seems odd. These communication channels, however, are not created equal, particularly in the B2B market.

Email marketing continues to have the highest return on investment (ROI) when compared to other channels. Surprisingly, though, just a small percentage of small business owners use email marketing. Make sure you don't make the same mistake by discovering email marketing software platforms that are right for your business, which is one of the key reasons for writing this post.

In 2022, what are the most effective email marketing software solutions for small businesses?

HubSpot Marketing
Wix ShoutOut
iContact Pro
Salesforce Marketing Cloud
Constant Contact
Campaign Monitor
Zoho Campaigns

What to Look for When Choosing an Email Marketing Platform?

Is this your first time using an email marketing strategy? Perhaps you'd like to improve your evaluation of potential candidates? In any event, it's critical to understand the fundamental elements of an email marketing platform.

So, before we get into the email marketing software 2022 comparison, let's go over a few ideas on what to look for when looking for software.

In this manner, you can rest assured that your money will not be wasted. The following are some of the characteristics to look for in email marketing platforms:

  • Tools for automation. Email marketing solutions are designed to aid in the process of capturing leads and maintaining contact with existing customers. As a result, it's critical that you buy a platform with extensive automation tools that let you create workflows based on your preferences. According to a study published in 2020, automated welcome emails resulted in a 51.9 percent conversion rate, whereas automated cart abandonment emails resulted in a 33.89 percent conversion rate, demonstrating the effectiveness of this email function.
  • Templates that can be customized. Personalized emailing, in addition to email list segmentation, is an effective marketing tactic. This is why finding software that allows you to tweak pre-made templates or develop your own is critical. You may use this tool to produce more engaging and personalized emails.
  • Sending emails in bulk. Because mass emails are the quickest way to reach your customers, your platform should be equipped to handle them. Furthermore, it should allow you to establish segmented email lists so that you may provide relevant content for certain client groups.
  • Email analytics and tracking. It's crucial to be able to get your message out there, but it's only one part of the tale. Additionally, you must ensure that your email reaches your consumers' inboxes. You'll need a powerful email tracking solution to do this, one that allows you to track click-through and response rates. This makes determining the effectiveness of your campaign much easy.
  • Integrations are simple. If you're looking for a platform, be sure it can readily accommodate integrations and third-party apps. This allows you to address your company's individual marketing demands without having to invest in different software solutions.

Email Marketing Software for Small Business

We can move on to reviewing some of the top platforms for small businesses now that you know what to look for in email marketing applications.

 HubSpot Marketing

HubSpot Marketing is a multi-award-winning advanced marketing solution that aims to increase traffic and conversions. This cloud-hosted, open API platform is used by entrepreneurs all over the world and provides a wide range of best-in-class tools for content production, website development, and email. It can also be accessed from any computer or mobile device.

HubSpot Marketing is a multi-award-winning advanced marketing solution that aims to increase traffic and conversions. This cloud-hosted, open API platform is used by entrepreneurs all over the world and provides a wide range of best-in-class tools for content production, website development, and email. It can also be accessed from any computer or mobile device.

pricing HubSpot Marketing

HubSpot Marketing’s Key Features

  • Options for Robust Automation HubSpot Marketing comes with powerful automation features that allow you to customize emails based on the actions of your leads. It also features a drip campaign feature that allows you to define triggers based on lead engagements, giving you complete control over how your campaign is automated.
  • Customization of Email Templates Creating relevant, eye-catching emails is one of the most effective strategies to encourage leads to notice your company. You can easily design gorgeous email templates using HubSpot Marketing. To increase click-throughs, you can customize subject lines, change the design, and do A/B tests.
  • Integration with Salesforce. Salesforce and HubSpot Marketing have a bidirectional synchronization. This allows you to keep track of every email that is opened, every CTA that is clicked, and every form that is submitted. This information can then be used to score leads.


vCita is a one-stop business and customer management system created specifically for small businesses, service providers, and professionals such as lawyers and personal trainers. It includes features to help users with their day-to-day business operations. Client management, client portals, lead creation, and email marketing are examples of such tools.

The system enables you to create beautiful emails on the fly using your mobile devices. Because vCita tracks actual client activity as well as click rates, insights received through the app are assured to be more accurate.

As a result, you can accurately assess the success of your efforts and determine which areas require additional attention.

Essentials, business, and platinum are the three programs available to pick from. The program is available for as little as $24 per month.

vCita’s Key Features

  • Email marketing for mobile devices. Everything can be done on the fly, from designing the layout to adding material, managing subscribers, and monitoring real-time activities. To develop a spectacular campaign and evaluate real-time analytics of each mail sent, all you need are mobile devices like tablets and smartphones.
  • Coupons are available on the internet. While sending an email campaign is fantastic, sending one that includes an online coupon is even better. You can quickly design appealing coupons to go along with your email that advertises services or products with vCita. This boosts your chances of acquiring more bookings, purchases, and other things.
  • Buttons that work as CTAs. vCita lets you include a variety of call-to-action buttons in your emails. Your clients will be able to easily submit a document, make a payment, or schedule an appointment right from the device they're reading your email on.


Wix ShoutOut

Wix ShoutOut is an email and newsletter management software designed to help marketers work smarter, without harder.

The platform includes campaign editors, custom sign-up forms, and mailing management, as well as social media sharing and reporting capabilities.

Wix ShoutOut is free to use, with monthly and annual billing plans ranging from $4.90 to $44.90. The seller provides a tempting free trial plan.

Wix ShoutOut’s Key Features

  • Email Editor that is easy to use. Wix ShoutOut makes it simple to include your logo into every email you send. All you have to do with their user-friendly email editor is add your logo, choose a background, input images, and write your text, and you're done. If you're stuck for ideas, you can use one of their pre-made templates and customize it to your taste.
  • Integration of Contacts is simple. Using Wix ShoutOut's contact integration tool, importing contacts from various directories takes only a few seconds. You can even divide contacts into various mailing lists for targeted email marketing.
  • Social media tools are really effective. When you don't rely on emails alone to contact your leads, you'll be a lot more productive. Wix ShoutOut allows you to manage your social media accounts with your email campaigns, eliminating the need to move from application to application.


Exponea is a cloud-based email marketing platform that aims to make creating automated yet personalized consumer interactions as simple as possible.

The platform, which includes sophisticated features like omni-channel tools and AI capabilities, is a wonderful alternative for online firms that run customer-centric campaigns.

Exponea offers three quote-based enterprise packages for B2C businesses that are based on data points and a combination of features.

Exponea’s Key Features

  • Omni-Channel Communication is a term used to describe communication that takes place across multiple channels. Exponea's omni-channel functionality allows you to communicate with your leads and existing clients across all devices and touchpoints. This saves you a lot of time and, in the long run, enhances customer service.
  • Optimization of Email Campaigns You may use this platform to launch a variety of email campaigns and optimize them with A/B tests. Exponea lets you manage all of your emails in one place, whether they're regular, prompted, or exceptional. If you want, you may even combine them with different channels.
  • Scenario Designer of the Highest Quality. A drag-and-drop scenario designer in Exponea allows you to layout a lead's path to becoming a paying customer. This, when combined with their analytics capabilities, allows you to predict what your leads will do next, allowing you to deliberately enhance engagement.


Marketo, one of the most popular marketing automation solutions in the world, makes it easier to create long-term consumer relationships.

Marketing automation, B2B lead management, consumer engagement, real-time personalization, budgeting, and scheduling capabilities are all included.

This platform is available as a quote-based subscription for organizations of all sizes.

Marketo’s Key Features

  • Database for smart marketing. Knowing your clients is essential for increased conversions and retention. You can gain a clearer view of your interactions with clients across your email, social, and mobile channels with Marketo's smart marketing database.
  • Customer Conversations Have Never Been Easier. Because your campaigns are automated, it doesn't mean you can't personalize your approach. Using Marketo's triggered email marketing messages, you can take control of customer conversations. If necessary, you can even reply to customer journeys while on the go.
  • Reporting on the Return on Investment in Great Detail. Marketo goes beyond measures that only scrape the surface of what's possible. They give reporting tools that provide detailed information on the impact and return on investment of your email marketing campaign. This makes it easier to track client involvement and make changes to your campaign as needed.


ActiveCampaign is a marketing email management system for small businesses. This API-enabled program is utilized by over 100,000 enterprises globally because it is user-friendly and integrated.

Email management, lead scoring tools, contact monitoring, as well as segmentation and targeting choices, are all available.

The Lite Plan costs $15 per month, the Plus Plan costs $70 per month, the Professional Plan costs $159 per month, and the Enterprise Plan costs $279 per month. These can also be billed on a yearly basis.

ActiveCampaign’s Key Features

  • Tools that are based on intelligence: Using ActiveCampaign's intelligence-driven technologies, you can construct dynamic marketing plans. It will gather client data from a variety of sources and generate interaction summaries for each contact, allowing you to run more effective campaigns.
  • Split Testing in its Advanced Form. When you know what content, layout, and settings your subscribers will respond to, increasing consumer engagement is simple. You can conduct up to five version split tests with ActiveCampaign to swiftly select the optimal email campaign to launch.
  • There are over 150 integrations. While ActiveCampaign currently provides the fundamental email marketing features, it can also support over 150 integrations to enhance your user experience.

iContact Pro

Icontact Pro, an advanced marketing automation suite, is a commercial solution aimed at making your campaigns more cost-effective.

It has a variety of marketing tools, including segmentation and interaction tracking, as well as landing page generation and email marketing.

iContact Pro is available in Email Marketing, Pro Automation, and Premier price plans based on the number of subscribers, and is designed to handle marketing campaigns for a variety of business sizes.

iContact Pro’s Key Features

  • Advanced Email Segmentation is a feature that allows you to segment your emails based on Make sure you're tapping the right clients or leads. Advanced email segmentation is available in iContact Pro, allowing you to group your contacts into specified categories. You could even test your campaigns before launching them.
  • Tools for Smart Targeting When you customize the way you communicate with your clients, optimizing your marketing is simple. You can develop content and send it at the correct time with iContact Pro's smart targeting. You can specify parameters such as client type, location, or activity.
  • CRM (Customer Relationship Management) Integration Through its CRM connectivity functionality, iContact Pro helps users to improve inter-departmental communications. This tool allows you to keep all of your company's stakeholders up to date on the status of each customer you deal with.

Salesforce Marketing Cloud

Salesforce Marketing Cloud is a unified marketing system designed to assist firms in establishing and maintaining a social presence. It fosters tailored 1:1 client journeys by providing journey builders, predictive intelligence, content management, site personalization, and email marketing solutions.

Salesforce Marketing Cloud is available in five different product bundles, each of which is charged on a quotation basis.

Salesforce Marketing Cloud’s Key Features

  • Email marketing tools that work. You can change templates, create responsive designs, and write dynamic messages for your customers with Salesforce Marketing Cloud's easy-to-use email builder. You can quickly create high-quality content using its drag-and-drop feature, HTML code support, and customizable scripting language.
  • Features of Message Automation Salesforce Marketing Cloud features choices for you whether you're aiming to develop 1-to-1 interactions with customers or sending bulk messaging to a huge client base. It will not only help you organize your mailing lists, but it will also allow you to schedule message delivery.
  • Reporting that is trustworthy. You must first determine which leads to target in order to enhance your conversions. Salesforce Marketing Cloud's trustworthy reporting features to assist you in finding the correct audience.


MailChimp is an email marketing solution aimed mostly at small and emerging businesses.

This system includes greater analytical capabilities for more effective campaigns, as well as features for email design, mail segmentation, campaign archives, and social sharing.

You can use these tools for free if you sign up for their New Business Plan, or you can pay $10 per month for developing firms and $199 per month for expert marketers.

MailChimp’s Key Features

  • Simple Email Design Options MailChimp includes a drag-and-drop editor that makes it simple to create emails. They have templates that may be customized for businesses of any size. They also allow for collaboration with multi-user accounts and commenting options.
  • API documentation that is adaptable. Check to see if your email marketing campaign is compatible with your workflow. MailChimp includes a comprehensive API documentation tool that allows you to connect to a CRM, create your own CMS, and more.
  • Various eCommerce Integrations are available. Managing your marketing effort in tandem with your online business might aid in sales growth. You can develop targeted marketing campaigns, automate product follow-ups, and more using MailChimp's eCommerce integrations. Shopify, Magento, and BigCommerce are among the third-party applications they support.


Aweber is an email marketing tool that is hosted in the cloud and is used by companies of all sizes.

This program, which is available on both desktop and mobile platforms, includes email editors, autoresponders, subscriber segmentation, and analytics. It's also compatible with popular business apps like Zendesk and WordPress.

This platform's basic monthly subscription rates are charged based to the number of users you have and can range from $19 to $149. They feature a quote-based billing solution for businesses.

Aweber’s Key Features

  • Email sequences that are automatically generated. The drag-and-drop campaign editor in Aweber makes marketing funnel automation straightforward. This tool helps you to design personalized welcome letters, establish lead nurturing techniques, and map out email sequences for more convenient but successful marketing.
  • Email tracking is intelligent. Ensure the effectiveness of your efforts using Aweber's advanced email tracking tools. This tool is helpful for gathering actionable data, from assessing open rates and click-throughs to measuring email deliverability.
  • Ability to use an email API. Use Aweber in conjunction with your favorite online tools to get the most out of it. You can seamlessly connect PayPal, WordPress, Unbounce, Magento, and other third-party programs into their platform. You can also use their API capability to create your own.

Constant Contact

Constant Contact, a platform that enables simplified and more effective email marketing, has been trusted by over 650,000 customers for 15 years. It has advanced contact management, email tracking, email marketing automation, and social media sharing tools.

This platform, which supports several languages and is accessible via desktop and mobile devices, has two payment levels with free trial alternatives.

You can pick between their Email plan, which costs $20 per month, and their Email Plus subscription, which costs $45 per month.

Constant Contact’s Key Features

  • Tools for Improving Email. Emails can now do so much more than just deliver a message. Run polls or surveys, create RSVPs for forthcoming events, promote videos, or provide coupons to make it more interactive. It's a breeze to promote client involvement with these.
  • Marketing analytics in real time. Using Constant Contact's real-time marketing analytics tool, you can manage your campaign anytime and wherever you want. It enables you to gain a better understanding of your customers' behavior, identify strong leads, and evaluate what material will be most effective for your target demographic.
  • Options for Contact Management Uploading contacts via Excel, Gmail, Outlook, or other platforms make it easier to organize them. Once all of the information is in the Constant Contact system, it can automatically track bounces and inactive emails.


Mailgun is an email service designed specifically for software development teams.

This platform, which is used by companies like GitHub, Slack, Lyft, Reddit, and others, is designed to help you maintain uptime, adhere to industry standards, and increase marketing performance. It is well-known for its top-of-the-line sending tools, clever inbound routing, and sophisticated analytics.

In terms of charging packages, Mailgun offers a free plan and a premium subscription based on the volume of emails you want to send.

Mailgun’s Key Features

  • ‌Infrastructure for sending messages that is more efficient. Mailgun includes an SMTP connectivity and a RESTful API that makes sending mass emails a lot easier. It enables you to ensure that your emails are delivered to the inbox rather than the spam folder.
  • ‌Validation of emails is simple. Using Mailgun's email validation tool, you may improve your delivery rates. This functionality allows you to delete temporary emails from your mailing list and discover user-entry problems in your sign-up flow programmatically.
  • ‌Email Parsing Engine is a program that parses emails. Mailgun features an engine that parses and transcodes all of your emails to UTF-8 before sending them to your application. You may easily extract specific data fields from incoming emails this way.


Mailjet is a marketing platform that focuses on email marketing management, including real-time tracking, contact list management, and one-to-one personalization.

It also includes a campaign comparison tool to assist you in determining which components of prior tactics succeeded and which did not.

Mailjet offers a free plan as well as economical price packages ranging from $7.49 to $21.95 per month, making it ideal for startups and expanding organizations.

Mailjet’s Key Features

  • Email Editor with Drag-and-Drop. Mailjet is an easy-to-use email editor that allows you to build emails for your marketing campaigns from start in minutes. The best part is that it uses drag-and-drop technology, which means you don't need to be tech-savvy to use it.
  • ‌Contact Management in Synchrony Using Mailjet's customized marketing capabilities, you may improve your contact management efforts. It can interface with your CRM, making it simple to capture email addresses and sync them with your system.
  • ‌Personalization that changes over time. Make your customers feel like VIPs by providing information according to their location, previous activity, or other relevant factors. In this manner, you can provide a more personalized, hands-on service to your customers.


ConvertKit is a marketing software designed specifically for professional course creators, YouTubers, podcasters, bloggers, and other individuals who create online content. It was created by creators for creators. Users may use this platform to automate rules and blueprints, send drip emails, track campaign progress, and manage content creation all from one simple interface.

ConvertKit charges a monthly fee based on the amount of subscribers. The price ranges from $29 to $79. You might want to request a tailored quote if you're a larger company.

ConvertKit’s Key Features

  • Marketing Automation that can be customized. When you automate your campaigns, it might make your marketing appear impersonal. You can avoid this with ConvertKit's adjustable marketing automation without having to do any laborious effort. It has an "if this, then that" scheme to assist you in creating your own automation routines.
  • ‌Emailing that is based on text. When it comes to marketing, fancy emails aren't always the best option. This is why ConvertKit offers a text-based emailing tool that eliminates distracting designs, allowing your content to shine.
  • ‌Dashboard that is easy to use. It can be difficult to keep track of your campaign's progress. ConvertKit offers a user-friendly dashboard that displays subscriber data and opt-in conversions in a streamlined manner for better reading to make it easier for you.


ToutApp is an email marketing and management platform that integrates with your CRM. This platform is fully connected with Gmail, Outlook, Microsoft Exchange, Salesforce, and other CRMs, and it also comes with enterprise-grade security.

ToutApp has two subscription options: a Self-Service plan that costs $49 per user per month and an Enterprise plan that costs $15,000 per year.

ToutApp’s Key Features

  • ‌Deliverability of High-Performance. ToutApp uses high-performance servers to ensure that your emails are not only delivered but also do not wind up in the spam bin. You won't have to worry about not being able to reach your clients this way.
  • ‌Track your customers' engagement. ToutApp not only allows you to automate or semi-automate your email campaign but also allows you to track client engagement in real time. As a result, you'll have complete visibility into your sales process and will be better able to understand the demands of your leads and consumers.
  • ‌Option for integrated calendaring. This is undoubtedly one of ToutApp's most distinctive characteristics. It allows you to schedule meetings with prospects and current clients directly from the platform, allowing you to effortlessly compare notes with your emails. It even integrates with Gmail and Outlook calendars, making overall appointment scheduling considerably simpler.


FreshMail is a cloud-based email marketing tool that has won numerous awards. It comes with a straightforward template editor, industry-specific newsletter templates, autoresponder features, and real-time email tracking, and is designed for freelancers and small businesses.

FreshMail is free for startups with fewer than 500 users. You can choose from their Unlimited Email plans or Pay-As-You-Go options if you have a larger client database.

FreshMail’s Key Features

  • ‌Importing and exporting templates. Do you want to maintain your old newsletter when you convert to FreshMail? This software allows you to import and edit any HTML page within their platform, eliminating the need to recreate it from the ground up. For easy sharing, you may also download and export an HTML version of templates you've produced with their system.
  • ‌Subscriber Insights in Depth You can acquire detailed activity profiles for each of your subscribers with FreshMail. This allows you to discover more about what they click on your website, what communications from you they've opened, and their contact information, allowing you to improve your targeting.
  • ‌Autoresponder is a useful tool. Following up with customers is an essential part of the sales process. You can construct personal follow-ups that are sent automatically based on certain actions taken by your subscribers using FreshMail's autoresponder function. You can choose from pre-made queues like joining a subscription or buying a product or creating your own.


ActiveTrail is a marketing automation platform that specializes in email and SMS marketing.

This platform provides mobile responsive landing pages, predictive delivery, A/B testing, and custom surveys, and it has a user-friendly interface with robust performance tracking features.

For individuals who want to access the complete site, ActiveTrail provides monthly options starting from $9.00 to $29 per month. They also provide bundles that are priced based on how many emails or SMS you send every month.

ActiveTrail’s Key Features

  • Personalization of the customer journey. With ActiveTrail's visual automations builder, maximizing campaign performance with smart scenarios and marketing funnels is simple. This feature allows you to plan emails and adjust to different clients and is simple enough for beginners but strong enough for pros.
  • ‌Interface with a lot of options. Hundreds of third-party applications are smoothly integrated with ActiveTrail. You may quickly connect your favorite systems to your ActiveTrail platform for easier marketing management, from WordPress and many social media networking sites to Zoho and Salesforce.
  • ‌Online SMS assistance is available. ActiveTrail, in addition to its email marketing tools, now allows you to contact your customers by SMS on the move. This way, you can make sure you're communicating with your customers across all media.

Campaign Monitor

Campaign Monitor is a high-end marketing automation system designed specifically for expanding enterprises.

It provides complete capabilities for template design, content customization, A/B testing, social sharing, and analytics, and is used by over 200,000 enterprises worldwide. If you think Campaign Monitor is the correct program for you, there are four monthly pricing packages to pick from Basic for $9, Unlimited for $29, Premier for $149, and Advanced for a quotation.

Campaign Monitor’s Key Features

  • Marketing Automation with a Streamlined Approach. Campaign Monitor's automation function allows you to take charge of the process, whether it's one-time campaigns or whole customer journeys. It allows you to assess the effectiveness of your efforts, plan when to send emails, and determine how to keep your audience interested.
  • ‌Email creator that is easy to use. Using Campaign Monitor, you can create beautiful, relevant emails that are in line with your company's identity. With this platform's drag-and-drop email builder, you can quickly and effortlessly personalize all emails to your heart's delight.
  • ‌Tracking of mobile campaigns. Campaign Monitor not only gives you the tools you need to expand your business and optimize your campaigns, but it also allows you to track your success at any time. You can be confident that this platform will keep up with your speed whether you're at the office or on the go.

Zoho Campaigns

Zoho Campaigns is an email marketing tool for freelancers, small businesses, and major corporations that are hosted in the cloud. It may automate your entire marketing process while keeping track of recipient behavior, simplifying contact lists, and determining consumer involvement.

Zoho Campaigns has two pricing options: a Pay-As-You-Use plan that costs $6 to $750 and a Monthly Subscription plan that costs $5 to $350.

Zoho Campaigns’ Key Features

  • ‌Workflows for email marketing that are unique to you. Zoho Campaigns adapts to your standards utilizing its customizable UI, making it ideal for people with fixed routines. It also has autoresponders, which allow you to send emails in response to subscriber action, making follow-ups simple.
  • ‌Tracking the success of a campaign. With Zoho Efforts' campaign reach tracking tools, you can eliminate the guesswork from your marketing campaigns. It gives you a detailed breakdown of how your audience reacts to your strategies, as well as real-time updates on your social media analytics.
  • ‌Management of subscribers. It's probable that you've saved your contact list in numerous databases during the course of your marketing career. Subscriber management in Zoho Campaign allows you to simply import subscribers from a variety of sources, including Zoho CRM, Google, and Office365, and organize them into a single list. It also automatically updates it if any of the email addresses are invalid or unsubscribed.


Rejoiner is an email marketing tool designed specifically for eCommerce companies. The platform includes lead scoring, funnel tracking, frequency capping, and email analytics, as well as cart and browse abandonment solutions to maximize your reach and sales.

Rejoiner features three monthly enterprise price choices for enterprises with a solid and consistent income: Recover at $1000, Retain at $2000, and Agency, which is quote-based.

Rejoiner’s Key Features

  • ‌Abandonment Tools: Cart and Browse Use Rejoiner's smart cart and browse abandonment capabilities to convert window shoppers into paying clients. Customers who have not completed their purchase or added things to their cart can be contacted through email using these tools.
  • ‌Algorithm for Recommendation. Rejoiner can help you anticipate what your consumers will want to buy next. You can then recommend these things to your customers in your next email as a way to upsell some of your catalog's products.
  • ‌Manage multiple sites. Rejoiner is great if you run multiple e-commerce stores or multiple websites for your different businesses. You will not need to invest in several email marketing systems as they include multi-site management features.
Best Email Marketing Software Small Business

Conclusion in Email Marketing Software For Small Business

As your company and clients expand, executing a great email marketing campaign gets increasingly difficult. Find the correct tools for the job to simplify your campaigns and produce greater results.

You will undoubtedly be able to find superior options that suit your organization with our list of the top 20 email marketing software solutions for small businesses. All you have to do now is figure out which tools you'll require and how much you're willing to spend on an email management system.
