Best B2B eCommerce platform In 2022

best b2b eCommerce platform in 2022

b2b ecommerce platform

Creating the best online shopping experience for business customers means making their buying experience easy, fast, and Decent to the specific requirements of B2B sales.

Whether it's your first-time searching for a B2B e-commerce platform, or you'd want to change service providers, You have a bunch of options to choose from - Each has its own unique set of pros and cons. This guide explores some of the best B2B platforms to support you decide what might be a good fit for your business.

Why should I create a B2B e-commerce platform?

  • probably are you’re already familiar with the Basic principles of Ecommerce, Whether you have built a powerful B2C digital sales network or made an online purchase on your own.
  • The core of a well-functioning e-commerce environment is speed, reliability, and ease of use for the customer.
  • The secret to success is letting potential customers find what they're looking for, add items to their cart, and make payments quickly and easily.
  • This is true for B2B e-commerce as well. Business Clients expect the same buying experience as retail customers. They want the buying process to be straightforward, smooth, and reliable. Without being bothered by the many cumbersome gates and windows spoiling their mood.
  • To make the most of your company's B2B e-commerce capabilities, you'll need to work with a service provider that can offer a platform that blends form and function. The best B2B eCommerce platforms have the same look and feel as a customer-facing option. It is elegant, easy to navigate, and offers many payment methods.
  • However, these are not the only criteria you need to make the right decision. You'll also want to use a B2B e-commerce platform that gives you plenty of room for customization, including the ability to hide prices from retail customers, create personalized experiences for specific customers and offer different shipping options based on their location or rating.
  • Of course, you'll also need to consider pricing, especially since most products are priced in relation to the level of service and available features. If your business does a high volume of B2B sales, you'll need a more robust and possibly more expensive option than a company that does only a fraction of its sales to other companies.

OpenCart B2B Marketplace

OpenCart consistently gets high marks among the best B2B eCommerce platforms. The software is completely open-source and can be downloaded for free.

Even better, OpenCart is free of subscriptions and fees, which can save small businesses a significant amount of money if the software offerings are Compatible with their needs.

However, keep in mind that open source software requires a certain degree of developer knowledge to use and maintain it.

The OpenCart B2B Multi-Vendor Marketplace add-on ($299) complements the platform's e-commerce solutions with an interface specifically designed to work for B2B sales specifically. Sellers and buyers can place orders and request quotes for existing products for a business or custom orders on new or unlisted product packages as well.

Sellers can use a variety of spreadsheet file formats to upload multiple products at the same time as well.

The platform accepts CSV, XLS, and XML files with multiple entries, making it easy to manage inventory and data entry without the hassle of uploading one product at a time or converting to a file format that might not work well with the rest of your company's technologies.

Accordingly, OpenCart is a great e-commerce option for most businesses, be it B2B or retail. The free program is packed with useful features and add-ons, which makes it a powerful contender.


Adobe’s Magento Commerce platform is designed to offer an Inclusive e-commerce solution for businesses that do B2B and retail sales online.

Clients can customize their Magento online store to reflect their brand’s style and look, In addition to displaying their e-commerce pages with custom copy and promotion opportunities.

The tool includes a page builder that makes it seamless for business owners to create customized e-commerce pages, All through a drag and drop interface that eliminates web page design problems.

Magento Commerce is not just for retail sales, even if this component of the software takes precedence over its branding and advertising.

The platform also provides B2B e-commerce support which includes support for multi-brand e-commerce pages, channel partners, and master accounts. B2B clients can manage their corporate accounts within your Magento system, including different buyers levels and permissions assigned to each.

Magento Commerce includes everything you need to manage B2B e-commerce sites for multiple brands, key accounts, or channel partners.

Your b2b customers can manage company accounts themselves and set up multiple levels of buyers with specific roles and permissions.

They can also track quotes, view detailed order records, and manage their credit online, reducing the need to contact you for support. Magento also supports custom catalog creation, order management, inventory, and a fast checkout process for B2B buyers.

In terms of pricing, Magento Commerce is quotation-based, so you'll need to contact the sales team directly to find out how much your business will cost.

NetSuite platform

NetSuite is devoted to providing first-class e-commerce solutions for B2B and retail applications. Although the company tends to target mid-sized businesses, many large small businesses may find that the NetSuite toolkit is of perfect Relevance to their needs.

NetSuite platform makes it easy for businesses to provide clients with custom pricing, credit limits, and purchase terms, which is ideal for B2B applications where negotiated pricing is the rule. New and potential customers can also request price quotes directly from a NetSuite-enabled e-commerce page and turn the quote directly into an online order without having to hop on the mobile.

NetSuite users can also link their existing product catalogs to their clients buying systems, although this is big dependent on third-party add-ons that may be available between you and your clients software tools.

invoicing and billing are easy with NetSuite. Users can view their existing balances and additional funds, terms negotiated with existing accounts, and current credit notes.

The system also authorizes users to view all their billing in-depth and enter full payments or partial against those that still have a balance due. The software also allows for billing, credit limits, and ACH processing.

NetSuite pricing is quoted based Like Magento.

Shopify B2B e-commerce

Shopify is one of the popular and preferred e-commerce apps among small businesses and online stores, it is easy to install and set up and accept payments from customers easily.

Even the smallest e-business can take advantage of Shopify's tools without having to waste a lot of time or incur huge expenses in the process.

The Shopify platform is comprehensive and not limited to retail transactions only. Shopify B2B eCommerce takes the best of Shopify and rolls it into a platform designed to meet your B2B sales needs.

With Shopify Plus, businesses can automate their selling processes across retail, direct-to-consumer, B2B, and wholesale customers alike. This made us not have to run parallel e-commerce platforms from one company to another, which makes it easy to monitor your sales in one appropriate place.

Shopify Plus, starting at $2000 per month, allows users to create password-protected interfaces, intended for B2B and wholesale customers at set rates for each business customer. And like the other B2B e-commerce platforms we mentioned, it can easily manage inventory and track purchases made by existing B2B customers in an instant.

OroCommerce platform

OroCommerce is designed for business-to-business e-commerce, specifically for medium businesses.

The platform also provides support for B2C and DTC sales, making it a comprehensive platform for all channels and types of sales. With OroCommerce, you can create and manage your own unique online store, create custom customer portals and extend unique sales environments for wholesalers as well.

Even better, you can choose to run OroCommerce in the cloud or locally on your own servers to suit your existing technical infrastructure.

With OroCommerce, businesses can create vital B2B e-commerce features such as account management, per-customer pricing catalogs, and custom workflows.

There's also a versatile API that makes integrations seamless and easy to setup whether it's to link OroCommerce to your existing technology or keep up with new additions.

OroCommerce Community Edition is a free, open-source version of the software best suited for small businesses. If your business is expansive or requires more functionality than the Community Edition can provide, there is also OroCommerce Enterprise Edition, whose pricing is quote-based.

Shift4Shop platform

Shift4Shop has everything a store needs to serve B2B customers and give them the shopping experience they desire.

Whether you are a wholesaler, manufacturer, distributor, or any other B2B supplier, you can create the perfect website to attract B2B buyers, and if your business model requires B2C selling you can provide it at the same time and in the same location.

Shift4Shop offers a B2C-like experience for B2B sales as well. The platform prides itself on offering the same convenience to wholesalers and business customers as a customer would expect from a direct-to-consumer or retail operation.

This means removing the hurdles most B2B sales face, and it even makes the whole process feel like a retail experience as well.

Shift4Shop still offers all the basic options a customer would expect from a B2B platform. Including customer-specific pricing, wholesale pricing, and custom portals.

Like all of the B2B eCommerce platforms mentioned on this list, you'll need to contact Shift4Shop for pricing information.

what is best b2b eCommerce platform?

In this article we have given you a summary of b2b e-commerce platform comparison to try and guide you on which is the best b2b e-commerce platform suitable for your business case, we have provided some examples of b2b e-commerce platforms and b2b e-commerce businesses whether you are looking for a B2B platform for wholesale or retail platforms, this will help you. The article is about understanding the work of e-commerce platforms and choosing the best one for your business.
